List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 West Heslerton Anglian settlement

Fig. 2.1 High level photograph of a large Late Roman '?shrine' with flattened apses at either end, cut into the western side of the dry valley running south from the settlement

Fig. 2.2 Aerial photograph of Site 12 during excavation, September 1995

Fig. 2.3 West Heslerton: Digital Elevation Model showing the location of the Anglian settlement and cemetery in relation to the Yorkshire Wolds and the location of the Late Iron Age and Roman 'ladder settlement'

Fig. 2.4 Surface geology

Fig. 2.5 Slot and associated post-holes of ?mortuary structure

Fig. 2.6 The stone base of a Late Roman bread oven

Fig. 2.7 Roman enclosures with timber gateway and round-house overlain by later features

Fig. 2.8 West Heslerton: Anglian settlement excavation areas

Fig. 2.9 Excavation of an Anglian post-hole structure

Fig. 2.10 Fully excavated Middle-Saxon Grubenhäus

Fig. 2.11 Partially articulated animal skeleton found within the fill of a Grubenhäus

Fig. 2.12 A multiphase sequence of linear features excavated in 1995

Fig. 2.13 Recording finds locations with the EDM

Fig. 2.14 Hand-held computer used for recording in the field

Fig. 2.15 Context record

Fig. 2.16 Object record

Fig. 3.1 Master context matrix for Grubenhäus 11AA00005

Fig. 3.2 Contexts by site

Fig. 3.3 Contexts by type using a logarithmic scale

Fig. 3.4 Earlier post-hole structure (centre) replaced by Middle Saxon post-in-trench structure (right)

Fig. 3.5 Large post-hole structure of a type widely recognised in Early Anglo-Saxon Settlements

Fig. 3.6 Post-hole structures from Early and Middle Saxon England (Size)

Fig. 3.7 Smaller post-hole structure with single doorway to south

Fig. 3.8 Paired-post and post-in-trench structures in Area 11BC

Fig. 3.9 One of a number of post-hole structures apparently incorporating a foundation deposit

Fig. 3.10 Post-hole structure with internal partition wall at the west end

Fig. 3.11 Small sub-rectangular cooking pit of what appears to be a distinctive Early Anglo-Saxon type

Fig. 3.12 A small group of Grubenhäuser in the craft zone, in the north-western part of the settlement

Fig. 3.13 Excavated Grubenhäus

Fig. 3.14 One of several examples where an early Grubenhäus has been replaced by a later post-hole structure

Fig. 3.15 Large Grubenhaüs with evidence of re-cutting

Fig. 3.16 Pre-excavation Grubenhaüs showing distribution of animal bones

Fig. 3.17 Unfired clay loomweights

Fig. 3.18 Multiphase enclosure systems

Fig. 3.19 West Heslerton: artefact frequency (faunal material excluded)

Fig. 3.20 Artefacts by period: surfaces vs features

Fig. 3.21 Kiln cut into the chalk bedrock

Fig. 3.22 Ceramics by period (no entry = unassigned)

Fig. 3.23 Prehistoric features Area 11AE

Fig. 3.24 Roman ceramics by class. (Sites 2 and 11)

Fig. 3.25 Anglo-Saxon ceramics decorative method

Fig. 3.26 Early Anglo-Saxon ceramic fabrics from sites in the Vale of Pickering

Fig. 3.27 Anglo-Saxon ceramics by classification (Sites 2 and 11)

Fig. 3.28 Ceramic fragmentation

Fig. 3.29 Worked bone by object type (Sites 2 and 11)

Fig. 3.30 Coinage: frequency by period

Fig. 3.31 West Heslerton: Animal bone frequency by species and site (identified material)

Fig. 3.32 Dog burial cut through a worn pebble surface

Fig. 4.1 Element zones (%) by excavation area

Fig. 4.2 Scatterplot of cattle element zone frequency plotted against Lymans (1982) bulk density values

Fig. 4.3 Percentage of cattle ovicaprid gnawed/chewed

Fig. 4.4 Recovery of bird and small mammal bones

Fig. 4.5 Soil micromorphology: Proportion of soil samples per feature/theme

Fig. 4.6 Soil micromorphology: Chemical signatures from 'farm mound' and daub enriched deposits

Fig. 4.7 Lithics by basic type

Fig. 10.1 The craft zone

Fig. 10.2 The housing zone

Fig. 10.3 The multi-function zone

Fig. 10.4 Plant remains: frequency by area Assessed samples (to 1992)

Fig. 10.5 Animal Bone: frequency by 4 main species from Grubenhäuser from assessed data (to 1992)


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