Cite this as: Gaffney, V. et al. 2020 A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge, Internet Archaeology 55.
Field team members, research leads and contractors undertaking work during 2019 and 2020
University of Bradford: Dr Chris Gaffney, Professor Vince Gaffney, Dr Tom Sparrow
University of St Andrews: Dr Richard Bates
University of Birmingham: Eamonn Baldwin
University of Lampeter: Dr Martin Bates
Winkie Coring: Dr Rob Dyke
Dando Terrier Coring: Steven Rolfe (Structural Soils)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence: Dr Tim Kinnaird (University of St Andrews)
Radiocarbon dating: Dr Derek Hamilton (SUERC)
SedaDNA and paleoenvironmental assessment: Professor Robin Allaby (University of Warwick)
Archaeoastronomy: Dr Ronald Yorston
Assistance in the field: Edmund Gaffney (University of Salford)
Fieldwork carried out as part of the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes project: Wolfgang Neubauer, Klaus Löcker, Eamonn Baldwin, Mario Wallner, Sebastian Flöry, Tanja Trausmuth, Jakob Kainz, Viktor Jansa, Erich Nau, Roland Filzwieser, Manuel Gabler, Vlad Sandici, Geert Verhoeven, Julia Wilding, Petra Schneidhofer, Philippe De Smedt, Richard Bates, Christopher Gaffney, Vince Gaffney, Alex Corkum, Henry Chapman and Paul Garwood.
Data processing, visualisation and mapping undertaken as part of the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project: Alois Hinterleitner, Mario Wallner, Klaus Löcker, Wolfgang Neubauer, Jakob Kainz, Agatha Lugmayer, Georg Zotti, Michael Doneus, Lisa Aldrian, Eamonn Baldwin, Henry Chapman, Chris Gaffney, Vince Gaffney, Alex Corkum, Alexandra Vonkilch, Tanja Trausmuth, Marie Kröhl, Doris Schlögelhofer, Vlad Sandici, Petra Schneidhofer, Philippe De Smedt and Immo Trinks
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