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Postglacial Black Sea Level Rising, Urban Development and Adaptation of Historic Places. The case study of the city-peninsula of Nesebar (Bulgaria)

Hristo Preshlenov

Cite this as: Preshlenov, H. 2022 Postglacial Black Sea Level Rising, Urban Development and Adaptation of Historic Places. The case-study of the city-peninsula of Nesebar (Bulgaria), Internet Archaeology 60.


The strengthening of a coastal zone involves a complex of hydrodynamic factors (waves, currents, wind and materials carried by them), climate, rock stability, sedimentation and eustatic fluctuations at sea level. The sea terrace on which the urban structures of Nessebar are located is formed on almost horizontal Miocene limestone sandstones, marl limestones and clays. It is limited by the steeply abraded coast, subjected to the destructive energy of the sea surf until the end of the last century. The destruction of ancient and early Byzantine constructions can be identified along the slope of the sea-cliff between the 8th and 13th isohypses (contour lines) and the coastline and along the seabed to at least the 4th isobath (depth contour). In the process of tracing the fortifications, the ancient coastline is not followed, but rather the proximity to the base of the peninsular slope.

The rocky outcrop 'St Stefan'
The rocky outcrop 'St Stefan' (Image credit: H. Preshlenov)

The values and relative chronology of the eustatic benchmarks corresponding to the destruction of the classical Mesambrian fortifications (third quarter of the 5th century BC) mark the coast during the regression in the middle of the first millennium BC; the route of the late Antique fortress wall (second quarter of the 5th century AD) identify the point of the rise in the sea level until the third quarter of the first millennium AD; the collapse of the northern aisle and the renewal of the monastery basilica of 'The Holy Mother of God Eleusa' in 1341/42 probably coincides with the first stages of the transgression in the second half of the second millennium AD, while the collapse of the church 'St Protomartyr Stephen' in 1855 appears to be shortly before a slow-down in this transgression. The engineering facilities, designed in the 1980s both to preserve the coastline and act as a port, confirm the optimal choice of the ancient and medieval builders in locating their sites.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, heritage, sea level fluctuations, abrasion, urban spatial change, geomorphological, mapping, Unesco, city-museum of Nesebar
  • Accepted: 21 March 2022. Published: 26 May 2022
  • Funding: The publication of this article is funded by the European Archaeological Council.
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Corresponding author: Hristo Preshlenov
National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

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Figure 1: Nesebar Peninsula during the 21st century (Image credit: after ИСМ Компания)

Figure 2: Velizar Velkov and Lyuba Ognenova in Nesebar during the 1960s (Image credit: archive of L. Ognenova-Marinova)

Figure 3: Nesebar Peninsula, north-easten cliff-slope/steep during the second half of the 20th century (Image credit: archive of L. Ognenova-Marinova)

Figure 4: Location plan-scheme of the urban spaces and coastal lines mentioned in the text (Image credit: H. Preshlenov)

Figure 5: Crescent-line wall (Image credit: B. Zhablenski)

Figure 6: Nesebar Peninsula during the third quarter of the 20th century (Image credit: archive of L. Ognenova-Marinova)

Figure 7: Nesebar Peninsula at the beginning of the modern coastal stabilising activities (Image credit: archive of L. Ognenova-Marinova)

Figure 8: South-eastern pre-Roman fortified walls (Image credit: B. Zhablenski)

Figure 9: North-eastern peninsula terraces and the Monastery basilica St Virgin Eleusa (Image credit: H. Preshlenov)

Figure 10: The bottom of the south-eastern bay of the peninsula (Image credit: B. Zhablenski)

Figure 11: The rocky outcrop 'St Stefan' (Image credit: H. Preshlenov)

Figure 12: The 'beam'-breakwaters in the northern harbour of Nesebar (Image credit: after Ангелова et al. 2016)

Table 1: Black Sea trangression and regression phases

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