Brough Pottery form codes as used in the pottery dataset

Pottery data query form

Decoration Code
as used in additional comments
AP Applied
APC Applied circles
ASC Applied scales
AST Applied strips
B Burnish
BA Barbotine
BAA Barbotine animal
BACC Barbotine contrasting colour
BAD Barbotine dots
BADR Barbotine dots random
BADS Barbotine diagonal stripes
BADZ Barbotine dots zoned
BAHP Barbotine hair-pins
BAS Barbotine scrolls
BAVE Barbotine vegetable
BDL Burnish diagonal lines
BIA Burnished intersecting arcs
BIAP Burnished pointed intersecting arcs
BIWL Burnished interlaced wavy lines
BL Burnished lines
BS Burnished scrolls
BVL Burnished vertical lines
BWL Burnished wavy lines
CO Combed decoration
COMP Compass-scribed decoration
COST Comb-stamped
GRAF Graffito
HM Hand-made
LA Latticed acute
LML Latticed multiple-lines
NAME Name stamp
PA Painted
PD Painted dots
PS Painted stripes
RCC Rough-cast clay
RIV Rivetted
RLIN Rustication linear
RNOD Rustication nodular
ROU Rouletted (unknown extent)
ROUL Rouletted lines
ROUZ Rouletted zones
RUST Rustication (unknown type)
SL Scored lines
SLA Scored lattice
SLAS Slashed
ST Stamped
STAB Stabbed
STR Stamped round
SVL Scored vertical lines
SWL Scored wavy lines
WM Wheel made
Pottery Form Codes
A Amphora
AGA12 Amphora Gauloise 12
B Bowl (untyped)
B30 Bowl (D30)
B31 Bowl (D31)
B321 Bowl (D321)
B333 Bowl (D333)
B334 Bowl (D334)
B36 Bowl (D36)
B37 Bowl (D37)
B38 Bowl (D38)
B452 Bowl (D452)
BC Bowl or cup
BCAR Bowl carinated
BD Bowl of dish
BDEXRBowl/dish explanded rim
BDFl Bowl/dish flat-rimmed
BDGR Bowl/dish grooved rim
BDPR Bowl/dish plain rim
BDRR Bowl/dish rounded rim
BDTR Bowl/dish triangular rim
BEV Bowl everted rim
BEVFL Bowl everted flange
BEXR Bowl expanded rim
BFB Bowl bead-and-flange
BFBH Bowl high bead-and-flange
BFBL Bowl low bead-and-flange
BFL Bowl flat-rimmed
BGF Bowl grooved flange
BGR Bowl grooved rim
BHEM Bowl hemispherical
BIR Bowl inturned rim
BK Beaker body/base
BKBAG Beaker bag shape
BKBARB Beaker barbotine
BKBB Beaker butt-beaker
BKCOR Beaker cornice rim
BKCR Beaker curved rim
BKCUR Beaker curved rim
BKEV Beaker everted rim
BKFB Beaker funnel neck with bead
BKFG Beaker funnel neck with groove
BKFN Beaker funnel neck
BKFO Beaker folded form
BKFOC Beaker folded curved rim
BKFOCO Beaker folded corniced rim
BKFOCOR Beaker folded corniced rim
BKFOF Beaker folded funnel neck
BKFOS Beaker folded scale decorated
BKFOSF Beaker scale decorated
BKHC Beaker Hunt cup
BKNV55 Beaker as RPNV 55
BKNV59 Beaker as RPNV 59
BKP Beaker pear-shaped
BKPA Beaker painted
BKPH Beaker poppy head
BKPM Beaker pentice moulded
BKPR Beaker plain rim
BKRC Beaker rough-cast
BKROU Beaker rouletted
BKSF Beaker slit-folded
BL Bowl large
BNAT Bowl native type
BNK Bowl necked
BPR Bowl plain rim
BRR Bowl rounded rim
BSEG Bowl segmental
BST Bowl strainer
BTR Bowl triangular rim
BTRIP Bowl tripod
BW266 Bowl as Wacher 1969 no.266
BW451 Bowl as Wacher 1969 no.451
BWM Bowl wide-mouthed
BX Castor Box
C Cup
CB Cup/bowl
C33 Cup copy samian 33
C35 Cup copy samian 35
CHP Cheese-press
CLSD Closed
CP Cooking pot
CPL Cooking pot late form
CPBR Cooking pot bead rim
CPN Cooking pot native tradition
CU11Cup form 11
CU15 Cup form 15
CU21 Cup form 21
CU23 Cup form 23
CU15 OR 23Cup form 15 OR 23
D Dish
D(R) Dish (rim)
D452 Dish Gillam type 337
DDW Dish dales ware type
DE66 Dechelette form 66
DEXR Dish expanded rim
DFL Dish flat-rimmed
DGR Dish groove rim
DIR Dish inturned rim
DPR Dish plain rim
DPRA Dish angular plain rim
DPRS Dish straight sided plain rim
DRR Dish rounded rim
DTR Dish triangular rim
DTRIP Dish tripod
F Flagon untyped
FACE Face pot
FBF Flagon bead and flange rim
FC Flagon cup mouth
FCOR Flagon cordoned
FR Flagon ringed neck
FS Flask
J Jar
JB Jar or bowl
JBCAR Jar or bowl carinated
JBCUR Jar or bowl curved rim
JBEV Jar or bowl everted rim
JBK Jar or beaker
JBKCUR Jar or beaker curved rim
JBKEV Jar or beaker everted rim
JBKFO Jar or beaker folded
JBTR Jar or bowl triangular rim
JCAR Jar or bowl carinated
JCR Jar collared rim
JCUR Jar curved rim
JDW Jar dales ware type
JEV Jar everted rim
JH Jar handled
JIR Jar inturned rim
JL Jar large
JLH Jar lug-handled
JLS Jar lid-seated rim
JNN Jar narrow-necked
JRR Jar rounded rim
JS Jar storage
JSQ Jar square rim
JTR Jar or triangular rim
JUG Flagon jug
JUR Jar undercut rim
JWM Jar wide-mouthed
L Lid
LUD TGLudowicki TG
79R OR TGRLudowicki TGR or Samian form 79
79 OR TGLudowicki TG or Samian form 79
80 OR TXLudowicki TX or Samian form 80
LBX Box lid
M Mortarium
MBF Mortarium bead and flange
MCO Mortarium collared rim
MFL Mortarium flanged rim
MHH Mortarium hammer head
MHK Mortarium hook rim
MRF Mortarium reeded-flange
MTRB Mortarium Brough
P Platter
SMIT Smith God vessel
TZ Tazze
TB Tazze Brough
Z Unusual type
- Form not attributed
Codes use for Samian Forms
Misc. numeric/character value
e.g. 31R; 36 OR 42; 15/17R OR 18R
(Sub-)Variant of group as numbered in dataset.
18 Samian Form 18
18/31Samian Form 18 or 31
27 Samian Form 27
29 Samian Form 29
30 Samian Form 30
31 Samian Form 31
32 Samian Form 32
33 Samian Form 33
36 Samian Form 36
37 Samian Form 37
38 Samian Form 38
40 Samian Form 40
42 Samian Form 42
45 Samian Form 45
46 Samian Form 46
72 Samian Form 72
79 Samian Form 79
80 Samian Form 80
81 Samian Form 81


© Internet Archaeology URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue9/brough/forms.html
Last updated: Tue Nov 28 2000