5.5. Non-ceramic artefacts

Apart from the tile and pottery fragments collected during fieldwalking, a small number of other artefacts were also collected. The most significant are noted here:

A medieval stone coffin was seen at Almorade, in field 152 (Fig. 5.1). A flint, probably a Neolithic end scraper was found in field 775 (Fig. 5.2), with signs of retouch on the reverse side (Fig. 5.3). A probable palaeolith was found in field 676 (Fig. 5.4). A small flint blade was located in field 646 (Fig. 5.5). A stone axe fragment was collected from field 561 (Fig. 5.6). A relatively modern gun flint was recovered from field 156 (Fig. 5.7).

fig 5.1
Fig. 5.1. Stone coffin found at Almorade, beside field 152

fig 5.2   5.3
Fig. 5.2. Endscraper (front view) found in field 775; Fig. 5.3. Endscraper (back view) found in field 775

fig 5.4
Fig. 5.4. Possible palaeolith found in field 676

fig 5.5
Fig. 5.5. Flint blade found in field 646

fig 5.6
Fig. 5.6. Stone axe fragment found in field 561

fig 5.7
Fig. 5.7. Gun flint found in field 156

In general lithics were remarkably rare. Too few were recovered for any specific conclusions to be drawn about settlement patterns before the Iron Age, although their presence does confirm that there was human activity in the region.


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