This group of Etruscan amphorae includes the distinctive Handle 6 which is a recognisable sub-group within Gras type EMA and Py type 5 (e.g. Celuzza and Rendini 1991, 27-8, Nos.13-14; Gras 1985, fig 46b top, third from left; Rizzo 1990, 274-8, 311, 378, 379). However, type 1 handles and a Doganella type 3 base were also found in this fabric. This indicates that this particular fabric was not only used for the distinctive group with angled handles and a flat base, but also for amphorae with curved handles and pointed base with a squared-off end. The volcanic inclusions suggest an origin between the Fiora and the Tiber.
Arched handle on the shoulder of the vessel with a circular section (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 40.4).
Distinctive handle rising vertically from the shoulder and turning sharply through 90º to run horizontally to join an indistinct neck (cf. Celuzza and Rendini 1991, 27-8, Nos.13-14; Gras 1985, fig 46b top, third from left; Rizzo 1990, 274-8, 311, 378, 379).
Pointed base with a squared-off end (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 40.9). This base occurs in Gras 1985 types EMD and EME and Py type 4 (Py and Py 1974).