Table 1: Cwm Cilio soil micromorphology
Table 2: Cwm Cilio soil micromorphology descriptions
Table 3: Pollen data from Cwm Cilio
Table 4: Charcoal identifications from Cwm Cilio
Table 5: Pollen zones for Cwm Cilio
Table 6: Radiocarbon dates from Cwm Cilio pollen core
Table 7: Braich y Gornel soil micromorphology
Table 8: Braich y Gornel soil micromorphology descriptions
Table 9: Braich y Gornel M6 and M8: SEM/EDAX (%; analysed areas and spots – see Figures 7.23, 7.24 and Smith et al. 2011)
Table 10: Pollen data from Braich y Gornel
Table 11: Charcoal identifications from Braich y Gornel
Table 12: Pollen zones for Braich y Gornel
Table 13: Radiocarbon dates from Braich y Gornel pollen core
Table 14: Muriau Gwyddelod, Fronhill soil micromorphology
Table 15: Muriau Gwyddelod, Fronhill soil micromorphology descriptions
Table 16: Pollen data from Muriau Gwyddelod, Fronhill
Table 17: Charcoal identifications from Muriau Gwyddelod, Fronhill
Table 18: Early Fields: Summary timeline of environmental and land use evidence compared to that from other sites in the region
Table A: Radiocarbon dates from Cwm Cilio and Braich y Gornel pollen cores (in Appendix 1)
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