Incidences of age 0-1 burials (Table 257) are much higher than the average in 3500-2500bc and 8/700- 100bc (19% and 14% compared with 5%), as are age 2-17 incidences, except that the period 100bc- AD43 is also high for these. The variations thereafter are considerable, with no periods particularly linking. 8/700-100bc carries the most consistent representation of all the groups, and roughly double the average percentages, but numbers are small (Table 256).
The area shows a similar higher incidence of age 0-1 and 2-17 burials in 3500-2500bc (Table 260) which it shares with the two last periods. Age 2-17 burials appear quite highly represented throughout, averaging 21% overall, and only falling below that in 14/1300-8/700bc (12%). Just as in the south west, the period 8/700-100bc carries the most consistent representation of all groups, and roughly double the average percentages but on a small base. Age groups spanning 18-36+ generally seem more in evidence over 8/700bc-AD43 than in the three previous periods. Patterns are otherwise lacking, taking the age characteristic by itself.
While the south east area has the same consistent representation of age 2-17 incidences as other areas over time (Table 263), in 3500-2500bc it has a far lower incidence of age 0-1 burials (8%), and is stronger in the other age groups, all on a small numerical base. In the periods covering 14/1300bc- AD43, the south east area seems to be more weakly represented in all groups than the south west and south, having matched them or provided higher incidence in the early periods.
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