List of Tables

Table 1: Gifts of annuals to the Carmelites

Table 2: Carmelite lands

Table 3: Reddendos to the Carmelites

Table 4: Crofts

Table 5: Gifts of Annuals to the Dominicans

Table 6: Lands gifted to the Blackfriars

Table 7: Gifts of Annuals to the Trinitarians

Table 8: Lands gifted to the Redfriars

Table 9: Lands gifted to the Greyfriars

Table 10: City of Aberdeen valuation rolls (Download as [.xlsx] [.csv])

Table 11: Age categories employed in this study

Table 12: Comparison of percentages of immatures

Table 13: Age distribution of SK burials

Table 14: Age distribution – immatures

Table 15: Distribution of age and sex

Table 16: Stature

Table 17: Mean stature (male and female combined) from various British archaeological and documentary populations

Table 18: Cranial index (100 x Biparietal Breadth/Skull length – males and females

Table 19: Meric index by side. Articulated and disarticulated material: 1994 site only

Table 20: Meric index by sex. Articulated and disarticulated material: 1994 site only

Table 21: Meric index in various sites

Table 22: Meric index. Skeletons and disarticulated material

Table 23: Cnemic index. Skeletons and disarticulated material

Table 24: Cnemic index by side. Skeletons and disarticulated material: 1994 site only

Table 25: Cnemic index by sex. Skeletons only: 1994 site only

Table 26: Cnemic index comparing the present frequencies of flattening of the tibia (sides and sexes combined, including disarticulated tibiae) with those from other sites

Table 27: Frequency of fractures in adults (excluding 1994 disarticulated clavicles and 1980-1 disarticulated fibulae)

Table 28: Frequency of Schmorl's nodes by spinal region and sex

Table 29: Frequencies of Schmorl's nodes on individual vertebral surfaces

Table 30: Frequency and sex distribution of Schmorl's nodes in various British populations

Table 31: Frequency of defects in articular surfaces

Table 32: Frequency of PNBD in the tibia by side. Articulated and diarticulated tibiae

Table 33: Frequency of cribra orbitalia

Table 34: Sacral spina bifida

Table 35: Frequency of caries present

Table 36: Frequency of Metopism in various British populations

Table 37: The distribution of flint types (colours) by trench and area – numbers

Table 38: The distribution of flint types (colours) by trench – percent

Table 39: General flint artefact list by trench and area

Table 40: The percentage distribution of flint debitage by trench (1994 excavation)

Table 41: The relative distribution of flint technological attributes by trench and area

Table 42: Total numbers of bones (1994 west range trenches)

Table 43: Total numbers of animal bones (1994 church exterior only)

Table 44: Number of animal bones (1994 church interior)

Table 45: Total numbers of mammal and bird bones (1980-1 excavation)

Table 46: Percentages of bones from food-forming animals (1994 west range)

Table 47: Percentages of bones from food-forming mammals

Table 48: Percentages of bones from food-forming mammals from medieval urban sites in Aberdeen and a rural site in Aberdeenshire

Table 49: Numbers and percentages of cattle long bones 1980-1 and 1994 excavations, arranged by age category

Table 50: Numbers and percentages of sheep/goat long bones at 1980-1 and 1994 excavations, arranged by age category

Table 51: Numbers and percentages of pig long bones at 1980-81 and 1994 excavations, arranged by age category

Table 52: Sheep/goat mandibles from the Green, classified by the wear stages of Grant (1982) and Payne (1973)

Table 53: Bone size range summary, for 1980-1 and 1994 excavations combined: cattle

Table 54: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Sheep/Goat

Table 55: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Pig

Table 56: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Horse

Table 57: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Dog

Table 58: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Dog/Fox

Table 59: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Cat

Table 60: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Red Deer

Table 61: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Roe Deer

Table 62: Bone size range summary (1980-1 and 1994 excavations): Domestic fowl

Table 63: Fish bones by phase and species

Table 64: Fish bones species and bone

Table 65: Bird bones by phase and species

Table 66: Bird bones species and bone

Table 67: Fowl bones

Table 68: List of plant taxa, showing number of samples for which each taxon was recorded for both sites

Table 69: Records of plant taxa and other materials likely to have been useful in one or more ways to the inhabitants of medieval Aberdeen

Table 70: Lists of plant remains and other components of the samples by context and sample

Table 71: Complete list of invertebrate remains recorded from samples from 1994 excavation

Table 72: Species lists in rank order for invertebrate macrofossils from samples from sites in Aberdeen investigated in the present study

Table 73: Main statistics for assemblages of adult beetles and bugs (excluding aphids and scale insects) from samples from sites in Aberdeen investigated in the present study

Table 74: Abbreviations for ecological codes and statistics used for interpretation of insect remains in text and tables

Table 75: Records of eggs of parasitic nematodes and some other microfossils made during assessment of samples considered in the present study: 1980-1 excavation – Phase 1

Table 76: Records of eggs of parasitic nematodes and some other microfossils made during assessment of samples considered in the present study: 1994 excavation– later phases

Table 77: length:width correlations of all intact blades

Table 78: width:thickness correlations of all blades and blade fragments

Table 79: length:width correlations of all intact flakes from West range (Trench A)

Table 80: length:width correlations of all intact flakes from Trench H

Table 81: width:thickness correlations of all intact flakes from Trench A

Table 82: width:thickness correlations of all intact flakes from Trench H

Table 83: the dimensions of flakes from West range (Trench A) and the church ('outsiders' have been discriminated)

Table 84: Fish and bird species list


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